My name is Becky (Rebecca if you're talking to my dad - he will probably correct you if you call me Becky!!). I am the mother of two abnormally amazing boys, and the wife of an equally amazing husband. I never, in a million years, could have dreamed that I would be living the life that I am. I was very driven in high school. While many of my friends were off being typical high school aged kids, I was focused on my goal of either becoming a teacher or going through Law school. While I did become a teacher, not much else turned out the way I expected it to. Getting married and having children was something that I thought I would inevitably "end up doing", but neither was a great influence on the path that I laid out for myself. That was until I started dating my husband. We were friends for 8 or so years before we started dating, and if I am honest, I shocked many people (including myself) when news of our relationship hit the waves. Pretty soon after we were married came my desire to be a mother. After having to wait longer than we hoped for our first child to come along and even longer for our second child, I am now mum to Finn and Eddie.
This is our Edward. He is such a jovial little boy. The smile that you see in this picture is on his face most of the day. In fact, when he was four months old he was hospitalized for three days. Despite being in unfamiliar surroundings and being plagued with sickness, he smiled almost constantly. He is either smiling or laughing. On Mother's Day I had him laughing so hard that his little shoulders were heaving up and down with each giggle. He is truly amazing. Granted he doesn't do much right now - he is just getting out of the "sack of potatoes" stage of babyhood - but already Phil and I know that Finn has found a rival! The two of them together, in the same room, is too much for me sometimes. They are just phenomenal little humans.
Then there's my Phillip. (I realize this is all a bit sappy, but this is a blog for ladies, so allow me to indulge in a little sappiness!) Phil still makes my heart skip a beat when he walks in the room. He has made my life so much richer than I would have thought possible (back when I was paving the aforementioned path of my life). He has taught me more about the Father and being Christ Like than any other human source. He has exemplified love, grace, compassion and commitment in a way that has and continues to astound me.
There would be no point introducing myself without focusing on Phil, Finn and Eddie as they make up so much of who I am. Right now I fill my days by lavishing my boys with as much love as I can give them (before going back to work as a high school English teacher takes me away from them), and also by waiting anxiously for Phil to come home from work so my heart can skip that beat and so that I can share with him the amazing things our sons have done that day! I also spend my time learning (and then forgetting and then re-learning) some lessons that God is teaching me during the relative seclusion of maternity leave and in the newly found solitude (and quite often loneliness) that comes from a job that has my husband working long hours and many nights. I will share more of this journey that I am on in subsequent posts.
So that's me: Becky or Rebecca (depending on who you are talking to!).
There would be no point introducing myself without focusing on Phil, Finn and Eddie as they make up so much of who I am. Right now I fill my days by lavishing my boys with as much love as I can give them (before going back to work as a high school English teacher takes me away from them), and also by waiting anxiously for Phil to come home from work so my heart can skip that beat and so that I can share with him the amazing things our sons have done that day! I also spend my time learning (and then forgetting and then re-learning) some lessons that God is teaching me during the relative seclusion of maternity leave and in the newly found solitude (and quite often loneliness) that comes from a job that has my husband working long hours and many nights. I will share more of this journey that I am on in subsequent posts.
So that's me: Becky or Rebecca (depending on who you are talking to!).
How wonderful to hear of your love for the gifts God has given you in your family, and how cool to see that although this wasn't the life you thought you'd live as a young person - you've embraced it with joy.