Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Who's afraid now??

Last week I wrote about some of my fears, one major one being the thought that my life would stay the same forever (seems a bit melodramatic, but when do fears ever make sense?).

Well, last Thursday, I went out for coffee with a friend and I told her about some of things that I wanted to do. Mainly, anything different than what I'm doing. We talked and I decided I wanted to take guitar lessons. I left coffee thinking, 'yeah, it would be cool to learn the guitar.' Now, normally, I would think something like that, but never do anything about it. Well, you will be happy to know that, starting tomorrow, I will be taking guitar lessons :D That's just part of it.

As I sat at work Friday, with, literally, nothing to do, I was thinking about the conversation with my friend from the night before. She had suggested that we take a Japanese language course, but that had been during the day when I'm at work, so it didn't pan out. I'm not really sure what my thought process was, but I ended up on the UFV website looking up History classes (I'm a history buff, like my dad. Love it). I found one that looks pretty awesome that starts at 5:30 on a monday night, so it wouldn't interfere with work. In a rather unnatural act, I applied at UFV just yesterday and am waiting to see if I can start this class. I'm literally giddy...

Looking back now, I have to wonder why I was afraid and where my trust had gone. There has never been a time that God hasn't provided for me. There has never been a time when He has looked at me, looked at my needs and said, "Nope, instead of bread, I'm going to give you a rock."

I still don't know everything, and I still want stuff, but it was like this week God showed me what He is capable of and how much He loves me. I have felt before that the vast majority of the time, God wants me to struggle over the mountain that I've come across, rather than moving it aside for me. In the struggle, I learn a lot about me, about God, but sometimes I just want the mountain to move out of my way. This week, God moved the mountain. So now, in the struggle, I can at least know, and trust, that my God is for me and that, "He has blessed me in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ." (Ephesians 1:3). See it's not just the fact that I've got these new things popping up in my life, its that I'm excited about it, I'm excited about what God is doing and I'm excited about what He's going to do.

Actually, I'm thrilled :D

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