Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 122 - "Through the Looking Glass"

When God takes a magnifying glass and examines our hearts, what does He see?
I bet He sees brokenness, dark places where we hide our secrets... but He doesn't leave it that way. He scoops out the sin and cleanses our hearts with His love and grace, leaving us pure and blameless. We just have to let Him do it. 


  1. Isn't it wonderful that for us Christians, because of the cross, the brokenness and dark places have been replaced with wholeness and light!? The sin is indeed scooped out and our hearts are made clean, pure and blameless. Changed forever. Oh that we would know this truth to the depths of our being, and may our minds keep being renewed according to his grace and love. He is an amazing God.

  2. Uhhhmmmm....Teagan....totally cool picture! And totally good truth to go with it!
