Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I've often wondered how people get on in this world without God. I mean, if I have enough trouble with Him, than how do they do it without Him?

I had a short conversation with a non-christian friend yesterday, which sort of got me thinking along these lines. He was telling me that he just likes it when he's happy. Well... duh. Who doesn't? So I told him that, everybody likes to be happy. You know how he stays happy? He's, and I quote, "just gotta stay positive and project good vibes into the universe." Right.

It's gotten me thinking, and right now I have more questions than I do answers, but mainly, how do people survive without God? How does one stay positive and project good vibes? How do you project a vibe??? Should of asked him that. I've got images of super sonic sound waves coming out of the chest... but that can't be right. Seriously, though, when you look at the world around you, how do you stay positive in the face of all that if you don't have Jesus Christ as your hope? Where does the positive come from? It amazes me that they can be so happy without the one thing that will bring them true joy.

I don't have much experience with the non-christian world. I'm a pastors daughter, my workplace is filled with christians and growing up my friends were christians. So this lifestyle doesn't quite make sense to me. I've never lived there, never experienced it for myself. I did date a non-christian once, but he wasn't a very happy person so it didn't give me much insight into that. I do know that he filled his life with the little things that brought him moments of happiness, but I can't say that he's ever experienced pure joy. How sad.

Unfortunately, this post isn't going to end with some awesome revelation or satisfying conclusion. Mainly cuz I'm writing to get my thoughts in order. I do that... a lot.
But, I will end with this, "Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them." " Psalm 126:2

So, I guess it's time to spread the joy!

1 comment:

  1. I must disagree. Your post ending was totally satisfying and conclusive. I love you.
