Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Commission to Faith

Lord, today I accept my calling,
not to perfection or performance.
My calling is to faith.
I have been chosen for this generation.
I have a place in the heritage of faith.
I'm going to stop wishing and whining,
and start believing and receiving
what your word says is mine.
I won't let others steal my hope.
I won't argue with a Pharisee.
I will believe, and therefore, speak
for you, my God, are huge.
Our world needs your wonders.
Rise up, O Lord!
Please renew your works in our day.
I confess the unbelief of my generation
and ask You to begin Your revival of faith
in my own heart.
For You are who you say You are.
You can do what You say You can do.
I am who You say I am.
I can do all things through Christ.
Your word is alive and active in me.
Satan, hear me clearly:
My Father is Maker of heaven and earth.
You are under my feet,
because today, and the rest of my days,

I'm believing GOD!!!

-Beth Moore

AMEN!!! I did a Beth Moore bible study a while ago called Believing God. This was the insert at the back of the work book. I love it. It reminds me of what is true and who I am. Beth gave us the five statement pledge of faith, which is written above. You're supposed to hold your hand out in a fist, and as you say each statement raise one finger at a time, starting with your thumb (the thumb is supposed to be on the outside of your fist - basic punching technique... in case you wanted to know):

1) (thumb) You are who You say you are.
2) (pointer finger) You can do what You say You can do.
3) (middle finger) I am who You say I am.
4) (ring finger) I can do all things through Christ.
5) (pinky) Your Word is alive and active in me.

Then, as you have your shield of faith raised up (your hand) you say, with vigor, I'm believing God!

Try it. It's a good reminder :)

God bless you in your day!!

1 comment:

  1. Lauren...
    Thank you so much for sharing this. I love the Five statement Fist of Faith! I was thinking that most of the lies that the evil one tries to tell me have to do with exactly that. He is either lying to me about who God is or lying to me about who I am. I am going to put that little reminder in my toolbelt. It is also great for teaching my kids. Thanks for the encouragement. I love you.

