Now you see why. Aren't they just the cutest? I love baby calves. I was raised in the city but got to spend lots of time at my aunt's dairy farm. I always loved going into the barn to see the new calves. The best part was reaching my hands out towards them and having the calves suck on my fingers. I'm sure that's how they came to be my favourite baby animal.
As I took these pictures, I thought of Teagan, our newest Soul Kitchen writer, who goes by the name DelighT. Love the name DelighT, by the way. I wish it showed up this way at the bottom of her post instead of in all upper case letters. It shows up as DelighT only in our administrative pages. I also love Teagan's 365 day photo commitment. Inspiring. Once in a while, I think of getting into photography more and am tempted with the idea of joining Facebook's "365" project too.
What do you think? Should I go for it? I thought I'd change the setting on my camera from automatic to manual. A few pictures later, I checked the setting and was horrified to see that I had taken all these pictures with the underwater setting! Thus, the calf that is SO red, as my daughter-in-law observed from the pictures I emailed her.
I don't think I've ever done anything consistently for as a long as a year. Not quite anyway. I did determine quite a while back though, that I would praise the LORD every single day.
Psalm 145:2 Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.
This I have done, and this will I do. By God's grace it won't just be for one year equalling 365 days, but every day... for ever and ever. Even today, as I gave full expression to the grief I've carried these last 23 days since I've held my precious grandson's body which never took a single breath in this world. Even as I heard myself produce those agonizing sounds as I grieved that I would never again hold Jonnic in my arms on this side of heaven. Even then, my heart and my mind still said, "Blessed be the Name of the LORD." Yes, even today - and every day - I will bless the Lord and praise His name for ever and ever.
I should really say why. Why praise God every day?
ReplyDeleteIn Psalm 145, in verse 9 it also says,
"The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made."
God is good to me and his mercy is over me. His mercy is all over me.
Thank you for sharing your heart and your I have prayed that Jesus would be your teacher in the lessons of healthy, wholesome, healing grieving. I know He holds you and gives you the ability to praise Him. Ps. 145:2 made me think of the song "I will praise you, Lord my God, even in my brokeness, I will praise you..." In the past I have filled in my own words for the 'brokenness' spot for different challenges in my days... everything from the littlest "even in my neverending laundry, I will praise you..." to more heartfelt struggles of loneliness, unfulfilled longings, sadness, or whatever. I haven't sung that song for awhile... time to 'resurrect' it back into my daily routine. Thank you, Marianne. Doretha