Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I am really excited! I am sitting in my bed at 12:24 pm (I'm not being lazy. I have been up since 7am!!), my house is quiet and I am going to spend some time with the Lord. I have little kids. This NEVER happens. I was talking with a friend of mine and explaining that I am not sure if it is legitimate to say that because of my kids (I have one who is 4 years old and one who is 6 months) I have little time to spend reading the Bible or conversing with God, or if I have been using them as an excuse to not do these things. My friend, who has three kids of her own (the eldest being 4 years and the youngest being 3 months), offered to take my youngest while our two oldest are in preschool on Tuesday afternoons. That means that I have 2 and 1/2 hours by myself to spend with God - however I choose to do that. In return, I will take her two youngest kids while our oldest are at preschool on Thursday afternoons. Brilliant! So today is the first of those Tuesdays for me. What a HUGE blessing and a great way to keep me intentional (and also accountable to my friend) about spending time growing in my relationship with Jesus. Consequently, please excuse the brief nature of this post, as I am about to dive in to Leviticus. Before I had my baby 6 months ago, I was spending time each day reading through the Bible and taking notes. Note taking is the only way for what I read to sink in. I planned to work my way through the Bible. I got as far as Leviticus when my baby was born, and to be honest, I have not resumed since. So here I go. Leviticus - oisch! I have to be honest, I can't wait until I am done this book. Has anyone had any epiphanic moments as they have read through this book? If so, I could really use some wisdom - or even just a small glimmer of light to shine from what has always seemed to me to be a book of such dense and arduous lists. Anyway, here I go. Despite being a little dubious about how much I will glean from my reading today, I realize that God speaks through His word - ALL of His word. As I sit and enjoy the blessed time my friend has given me, I pray that God will use a book that historically I have not been receptive to, and will make it and the lessons that He has for me come alive.


  1. Dear fearless!
    I truly admire your determination and desire to read and take notes, even Leviticus. I just read the book about 6 mo. ago, and had to look back just now to see all that is in it. To tell you the truth, I loved the book because it gives such a clear picture of the duties of the priests and Levites and such practical guidance for holy living. I was just so grateful that through Christ we don't have to go through all those ritual. I will pray that the Lord will reveal Himself as you so hunger for union and communion with Jesus and as a young Mom you and your friend can really enjoy your few hours of "free" time. Sincerely, dancing girl. PS. I remember my struggles to get to study the Word when my children were 1,2 and 3 yrs old!

  2. As I was reading about the ordination of the priests and then all the animals that are clean and unclean and what must be done when you touch an unclean animal, this is what stood out to me...

    "...you are to distinguish between the holy and the common, the clean and the unclean." Leviticus 10:10. I have been wondering as of late what it means to live a "holy" life and I love this verse for its use of the word "common". If I was questioning what "holy" looked like, I was also questioning what "unholy" looked like, and the word "common" is such a great one: common - what everyone else - the "masses" do. To be holy is to distinguish oneself by the acts he or she commits or, conversely, resists committing. Even in the depths of Leviticus I was spoken to!

  3. I love this!!! Thank you so much for sharing with us what God showed you. Don't you love it when that happens? It totally made me smile. It always makes me feel like Jesus has just handed me a piece of chocolate cake when all of a sudden he reveals to me something I've never seen before.

